Shirt blow up


Hey. I need a feel of who was right in wrong in this situation...

I was getting dressed this morning, and I was finally able to fit in my "half-way goal" jeans so I wanted to pick a shirt that would look good. My boyfriend comes in wanting to go to lunch, and he sees me change my shirt ONCE then completely blows up in my face that I am playing "musical shirts," and it is ridiculous; so I told him calmly that if he was going to be mean he can go to lunch alone.

He comes back in my room, and (again completely calmly) I told him that I didn't know why he was in here if he wasn't going to apologize. He got angry telling me that I am the one who needed to apologize for putting more than one shirt on. I didn't give in, and made he leave and I don't even know if we are still together (after a year straight and a year on and off before this past year) because I asked for some respect.

Not losing my cool has been something I have been really working on because he tells me it makes him hate me all the time, but I didn't lose my cool and I still get told I am the one being an jerk.

So my question is was I really in the wrong, or did he completely lost his temper for no reason?