Loss and Hope


We had a miscarriage in April. Went for our 12 week check up and their was no heartbeat. I scheduled a D&C; soon after. 8 weeks after that without getting a period we found out I still had leftover tissue. After my second D&C; in July I finally am testing negative for pregnancy hormones. My husband and I just started trying again, I am terrified and hopeful all at the same time. This year has been so draining for me physically and emotionally, I left my full time stressful job at the end of July. Trying to concentrate on my family and find something less stressful and demanding. We have a 2 yr old amazing girl and I look forward to spending time with her and for her being a big sister. I too see people getting pregnant and announcing additions to their family and become jealous and angry. I work daily to remain positive! All the best to all of you going through this path, it is a difficult and lonely road. My thoughts are with all of you even if I don't know you.