Baby due next month

Our second Sonia due next month in September and we're scheduled for the C section on Sept 21st (due the 25th). I'm so ready for this kid to be here. I only gained about 20-25 lbs this pregnancy but he is huge. Huge as in tall and has no room and feels like he hasn't for over a month now. He is measuring a week to two weeks ahead and at the 27 week mark they got measurements and said he was roughly 16-18 in tall already. You can definitely tell he's very tall as my stomach is bruised and my ribs are shoved out from his pushing.

My doctor at this point told me I'm ok to deliver at any time between now and when we're scheduled but that we couldn't induce earlier. I don't know how much more I can wait. The pain is absolutely horrible. Between him pushing constantly (I really feel like my pelvic and ribs will break soon) and the lower back pain and then throw in real contractions starting already...I'm just beyond ready to deliver. We've tried everything to relieve some pain and with swelling in my lower body it's been getting worse. Throw in a very active toddler and it's been a hell of a ride. (Husband works 10-11 hour days to provide and tries to help as much as possible after work but is beyond exhausted from manual labor). Any tricks to help kick in some natural labor? Water didn't break with first one :(. Any ideas to help speed this along or even help with pain would be great! Thank you all!!