30-31 cycle


Okay. So I'm a but confused?! I use two different apps to track my periods and they both have my fertile days about the same but both ending on Monday (CD17). Okay, so I got EWCM on CD's 12-15 and then it went away. I am now CD 18 with creamy CM (not in underwear -- just when I finger swipe). I have been using OPK's which I will show here .. which I stopped at CD 17. Now for the confusing part. I have read MULTIPLE blog posts where women with a 30-31 day cycle O around CD 20. Since I have stopped at CD 17 and don't want to buy anymore OPK's is it safe to say I already O since my EWCM is gone? Or should I keep BD just to be safe? My next cycle should begin Sept 12th.