Dear boyfriend, I love you but I need you to stop.

I love you. I love you with all my heart. But I'm worried. You take drugs. Needles, pills, smoking. You get high and you even get drunk with so much alcohol. When you're high you hit me and I hate it when you beat me up for nothing. You have nearly killed me before because of your drugs. I love you, I don't care if you hit me even if it hurts but I'm just worried and I want you to stop doing drugs, baby you're scaring me so much. 😭 Baby, do you love me back? When I mention therapy you hit me I even arranged a meeting with a therapist and I had to immediately cancel it and say that it was a mistake. Baby you need to stop, for the baby. You don't know this yet but I'm pregnant, I'm so scared to tell you this. You'll hate me for being pregnant. Babe I won't have an abortion! I want this baby. So stop drugs, for our baby that will come soon. I love you.