brother and sister relationship

so i was at dinner and my brother just started picking on me(ik completely normal) but it was for the stupidest shit like why do u eat so unhealthy, ur gonna get diabetes. Or "wanna know why i don't hangout with u? it's cuz u don't play sports. u quit to easily at things" (let the record show u told me i was bad, and i have anxiety which is one of the huge reasons i stopped playing basketball but he doesn't know i have anxiety) now this sounds like a normal older brother thing but we were just having normal convo and he decided to say this. then he says everything he does/ says has a purpose (which usually does. Ex: tells me to stop eating cupcakes or asks why i do, either he thinks i'm getting fat, or going to. idk how to explain) but then he straight up says he doesn't like me and LET ME REMIND U I WAS BEING COMPLETELY NICE AND JUST WATING MY FOOD WHEN HE DOES THIS. he was in a good mood too and no hes not joking.

sorry for any spelling errors and stuff but what's ur opinion besides he's an ass? also he thinks girls r objects, he said that to me himself i'm like bitch what? idk i only told u that to show how stupid his opinions r. idk where he gets this from though cuz my parents would never think/ say anything like that.