I can't believe this! UPDATE


So I need to tell someone...

My family financially has nothing. I mean nothing. My dad has been zero income for almost a year and my mom hasn't worked in five years. Now I applied to this school where they told me I'd get all the financial aid I needed, and I've wanted to go for so long. It's such a great school. But I move in on Saturday and up until yesterday it was iffy. I still didn't have the money, but yesterday I got a call. The school told me to apply for this loan because when we get denied I get more money from the federal loan. So we applied, and since we have awful credit we assumed it would be denied. Well, yesterday they told me that somehow, we got approved. We got approved for enough to cover all my costs for the year, and I want to cry. I don't know how we got this much, but we did, and it's finally official, I get to go to this amazing school and learn something I enjoy!

Sorry for such a long post, I just can't believe that we got approved for this and I needed to tell someone 😊😊😊😊

Update 9/3: I moved in yesterday and I'm honestly so excited to start classes. I never thought I'd actually get here and it's so overwhelming but I love it! Thank you to everyone for the support these past few days!