Do you think it's worth it!?

AF is almost 2 weeks late. I have endometriosis so some of my symptoms are expected, except I've had really sore breasts the last two weeks( very uncommon)I've taken several pregnancy tests all BFNs. Blue dye gave me vvfls but pretty much think they were negatives because Walmart cheapie, and digital tests were negative. I've tried to tell myself I'm not pregnant but this unexplainable ache in my breasts will not go away. I have a dr appointment end of September to schedule another lap for my endo. In doing so I told her about my symptoms and she suggested a blood pregnancy test (if I wanted to)I'm just so confused, and feel so silly going down to the hospital when I have BFNs at home. I don't get it. Do you think it's worth the hassle to go for blood test???🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😭

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