wasn't ready for this 😢


for months my husband has been telling me that when my daughter hits 14 months that i need to quit nursing her. granted, she did basically just do it to go to sleep and that's it. but she was also sleeping in the bed with us and i had no room in the bed, but i loved snuggling with her every night. loved it! Well i got tired of hearing his comments about 14 months, she'll be 14 months sept 1st. So i just said fuck it and stopped. stopped nursing, stopped letting her sleep with us. now she's in her pack n play next to the bed and i almost cry every night because i miss her in bed. i know it's probably better for her because she has room to stretch out and be more independent, i just miss it. i know it was hard on my husband trying to put her to sleep cuz she would cry and cry for me to nurse her so it's easier on him too. i was just tired of the comments. now I'm sitting here with engorged breasts, in pain, pissed off and heartbroken. i just wasn't ready to let her go 😢😭