Body Dysmorphia over Breasts

I have been struggling with body dysmorphic disorder for so many years over my breasts. By the way they look and their size. I grow through patches where it gets worse but it seems to always remain apart of me. Right now I'm in a patch where it's worse. I obsess over my breasts. I constantly look in the mirror at them, feel them, cry about them, ask my SO questions about them. I have this struggling of living with my breasts since I probably hit puberty so like 3rd or 4th grade. I used to wish for bigger breasts when I was around this age and would sometimes pull at the skin around them but it was never a major issue. When I got to 6th grade I started stuffing my bra. By the summer going into 7th grade I stopped wearing a bathing suit because I hated my breasts in them and I was so embarrassed, I also around this time quote all the sports I played because some would require me wearing clothes that were more revealing that I didn't feel comfortable having my body exposed in them. By 8th grade I started only wearing tops that covered my breasts completely tops with zero cleavage, I didnt wear a bathing suit and I stopped going to the beach and the pool because I felt stupid wearing regular clothes. First time I did 9th grade same thing. Second time I did 9th grade I stopped caring about what I was wearing I started dressing more revealing and actually felt more confident. By 10th grade I was finally able to wear a bathing suit again and I even started going to the beach again, I felt better about myself but still had an underlying struggle with how my breasts looked. I started dating my boyfriend in 11th grade and I for the past two years of being with him have gone through off and on strong periods of hating my breasts I obsess over them to him and ask so many questions on what he thinks about them to which he always says that he loves the way they look. I am now 19 and just had my baby two months ago. My breasts have grew but I have so many stretch marks on them and my nipples are huge. I absolutely hate the way my breasts look and I keep obsessing over them. I keep doing whatever I can to get the stretch marks to fade. I really hate my body right now and I just wanted to know if anyone else in the glow community has struggled with body dysmorphia over their breasts. Please share your story bellow if you feel comfortable