A better woman today..

Amanda • Wife, Mother To An Angel Baby & Rainbow Baby Girls.

I just wanted to say that it feels good to be back in this app. A little recap, last time I used this was when I found out my ex cheated twice and got the female pregnant. Few months after that I decided to take my life cuz I couldn't take the heartbreak anymore. It's been a year & im seeing a therapist, I finally decided to not be friends with him cuz I realized I can't never forgive him, so if I can't forgive you then there's no pint in being friends. I met someone New who I love dearly & is everything my ex was not. It's never to late to move on to someone better. I thought my ex was the one & even tho he had a kid with someone else we would get back together but I realized he's not worth it. Nick made me realize that, and I will forever love him for making feel loved again. Like I said it feels good to be back.