
Yunu • lol i need help

Okay so I have a crush on one of my closet friends and I told him and apparently he says he 'likes' me back as well but I'm doubting it so much because he doesn't talk about me to his friends, he doesn't talk about me to his parents and he doesn't hug me in front of my friends unless he knows that I'm really upset and mad.

He's really caring for me and for a period of time I thought he was leading me on so I asked him and he was VERY reluctant to answer at first, I showed my friend and she said that asking someone if they're leading you on isn't exactly a question you ask everyday and that he might feel like crap because I'm feeling this way so I apologised to him and all is forgiven. But my friend, let's call her Marie (not her real name), keeps on telling me that he's leading me on and I'm starting to trust her less and less because she 'used to' like him and he 'used to' like her but now she has a boyfriend and he somehow coincidentally has a crush on me? That makes me suspicious and this is all just making me stress out and feeling pathetic about myself because I'm a very clingy girl and I hate the fact that I can't stay away from him...he's also close friends with my ex and that scares me a lot because I actually genuinely really like him and every single time I have liked someone and they liked me back I've always fucked up in someway. Anyway, i have a feeling he still likes Marie...