Incoming college freshman scared that I'm pregnant?

I guess I'm posting this because I'm not comfortable telling anyone else and I need some support and maybe some advice.

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a day or two after my last period ended, and then I had sex with condoms throughout my fertile phase (I track my cervical mucus). I had unprotected sex again 4 days after my last day of cervical mucus (and 5 days after Glow's ovulation prediction). It's been 5 days since then, and my period is due on Friday, 2 days from now (my cycle is usually about 33 days). I don't even know why I'm freaking out so much about the possibility of being pregnant- the only thing that truly concerns me is that I got cramps almost an entire week before my period was due (usually it's only a day or two), and they've been much much much more mild than usual, and that freaks me out.

I took an early result pregnancy test and it was negative, and I'm going to take one again on Friday if my period still hasn't come. I'm worried that I got this idea into my head and that the panic and anxiety and stress from it (on top of many other things) is going to make my period late even if I'm not pregnant, which means I'll be stressing out even more.

I'm literally breaking up with my boyfriend, moving to a new state, and starting college in a week and a half, so if I am pregnant I have NO support system and no time to deal with it before being thrown into a new and terrifying situation.

Don't worry, I'm not going to be using FAM as birth control anymore. Even if I'm not pregnant and I'm doing everything right, it's not worth the anxiety to me. Does anybody have experience with the Paragard? I'd like to be on nonhormonal birth control if possible.

What do y'all think? Am I freaking out for no reason?