Bipolar disorder

Gabi • west coast aquarius. WOMBan. Kingston is coming🐺

Hey guys! I'm not exactly sure if this is a silly question, but how can someone tell if they're bipolar? Or even slightly bipolar? Is this something that needs to be corrected as a child? Or can some people develop it as they age? I've always had this thought in the back of my head that I might be, just a bit. I feel like my moods can change drastically within a short period of time. small things can cause me to lash-out, especially on my boyfriend. It causes many fights, and I always end up feeling really bad afterwards and I deeply regret the things I say out of anger. I feel like I have another side of me that's full of rage, and I'm almost in denial about it. I'm currently pregnant, so I've been extra sensitive to my emotions lately, especially the negative ones. But, I do feel like I've had issues with my temper and my moods before I became pregnant. Again, I hope this post isn't silly. My family doesn't necessarily understand the severity of mental illnesses, so I've questioned a lot of things about myself on my own. Without really speaking to anyone about it.