Epic labor & delivery story !! It's Long 😩


Soo this is how my labor and delivery went...

5am in the morning on Aug 26th I went to the bathroom and I had my bloody show 😮

My pain was at a 2 so I held it off and did my hair & cleaned lol then I called the doctor around 8. They then told me to go. I was only at 1cm so they told me to leave. Soo around 7pm my contractions got heavier so I went again lol 😂 and I was only 2cm & %80 effaced and they gave me two pills to either stop my contractions or to help me then they sent me on my way. Then at home I tried the warm bath and nothing worked. My mom and boyfriend was with me so I laid down to work thru the contractions my mom keeping checking on me and then bam my water broke and I didn't even know 🤷‍♀️ we went back at 12pm and I was at 7cm. I was in my room and I was so nervous but excited to meet him. My doctor comes In I'm now at 8cm and he says you shouldnt be in labor for long

My labor & delivery was truly in gods hands.I was in active labor for hoursss but only should have lasted 2. I walked into the hospital at 7cm dilated! At 12pm With an positive attitude!! I was progressing so smoothly and fast (Earlier that day I was on 1cm & %80 effaced) 🙌🏾I took every contraction that hit me. I was breathing through them !! (Breathing techs ACTUALLY work!) ☺️At 9cm they told me to PUSH!!! (Couldn't believe I was having a natural birth) 😯I pushed with every muscle & all the strength. But the nurses stopped and checked my cervix saying it's holding him back (Whatever that meant). I stayed at 9cm for almost 4 hours trying to get my "cervix" to move. I was labor for almost 12 hours. Then bam 💥 They seen his head trying to come but his shoulders wouldn't pass thru and he got STUCK (like how ?!) He had turnt completely blue. He couldn't breathe and was going back up instead of down. The doctor seriously had the hardest grip on him so he won't lose him. I had no clue that he was stuck, all I knew I was in so much pain, I couldn't help but yell and scream. Then I was literally crawling up to the top of the bed. The doctor had to stick his hand in me tearing me just so he won't lose my baby. (It was to late for an emergency csection) I didn't have no medication besides IV (which isn't nothing it's just makes you freaking sleepy ) but I truly wanted a natural birth. I knew I could do it just needed to do this with the right mind set and stay focused!! All I seen was my mother & mother in-law crying as they ran to the bathroom. Me thinking I had him and they were just emotional so I stopped pushing thinking I was DONE... BUT then 2 nurses jumped on top of me and actually started to push on me so hard. They put in work and went straight into action. I knew something was wrong and thats when I thought our son had passed away. I was so tired & was in a daze. It seriously felt like my entire body just went numb, and my body gave up . Then Everyone started screaming push. Its like my body wouldn't allow me to push I swear it was like my body just stopped but then I finally pushed one last time that's really all I had in me. All I was saying was "I'm sorry , I didn't mean to stop pushing I'm so sorry" I really thought We had lost our son and I went on to apologizing to everyone. All I thought of was "I carried this boy for 9 months and I just lost him in a blink of an eye". Didn't hear him cry or anything. Until.....they flopped him on top of me, crying and screaming I started bawling & I thanked the lord so many times y'all don't even know.😭😭 I delivered Luis at Cape Coral hospital in Florida on August 27th at 10:05am. He weighed 7lbs & 3oz. Doctor Kovaz and his nursing team did an amazing job to the max. They didn't know he was gonna turn ( "Shoulder dystocia" ). No one knows until the mother is actually about to deliver ( which is to late in most cases) I was so concerned after his birth that he's was gonna have a disability or problems with his shoulders maybe. But he passed all his test, his shoulders are just fine, no disability and just the most calmest and nosiest baby. The angels are truly watching over this boy.The doctor and his team were still in shock after it all happened. The doctor was even scared. I can't help but to be grateful and thank the man above for giving me the strength to having been able to go thru this and allowing my body to endure so much pain for so long with the amazinkg support of my Mother,Mother in-law, Boyfriend and Sister !! They all did an AMAZING job coaching me through it. Even though I got fiesty at the end lol! Well I just wanted to share my story and show some pictures with you all!

Update :

This is him now lol he had some neck muscle problems due to the way he was birthed so he’s been going to physical therapy. But he’s hitting all of his milestones and such on time. Which is important because they say babies that lost oxygen sometimes can be okay at the moment until later down the line they can show slow developments. He is the most high spirited baby he never really cries unless hungry. But me on the other hand I can no longer have natural birth babies. If I ever have anymore kids they have to be csection he tilted my cervix and they won’t take that chance of me having another shoulder dystocia birth. So I will be having high risk pregnancies but that’s okay.