help 😤😩

i was with this guy for 10 months, we broke up about five weeks ago. he broke up with me, and for three weeks he played my feelings, and was very back and forth with me. such as, on minute he loved me, then the next he was yelling, and getting angry with me. he blocked me a week ago, so i figured we were done and then i happened to meet this kid (lets call him L), and he’s been extremely sweet to me and i like him, and L told me he liked me as well. anyways my ex found out and was yelling at me, bashing the new guy, and me, so then my ex said that L only wants me for my body, and after my ex said that i felt very uncomfortable with L, and with my own body. i feel really eh, and i would almost say worthless.. i don’t know whether, or not to believe my ex, or not?.. how would i ask L if he only wants my body, or if he likes me for me?..

(edit - okay i guess my ex is now calling me a hoe for talking to someone)