24 hours in labor, it was all worth it ❤️

Teja • Mommy to a princess 👑 Occupational therapist 💸 and Wife

Finally posting my birth story after a month!

At 39 weeks 3days July 28th my Princess came into the world at 1:35am Friday morning. My water broke Thursday morning at 1am while I was laying in bed watching tv getting ready to fall asleep. I was in such denial, wondering what the trickle was running down my thigh ! I ran to the bathroom like a ninja screaming MY WATER MY WATER MY WATER, but my husband didn't believe me ! I called my midwife while I'm on the toilet, my whole body is shaking cause I'm so nervous and excite, FINALLY its time. I was just balling my eyes out the day before hoping she doesn't come late 😂 even though I had a great pregnancy I couldn't wait any longer!

We get to the hospital at about 2 am and by 9 am they put me on pitocin. Contractions weren't getting close enough so my baby girl was just taking her time and I'm only at 1cm. By 12pm I hit 3cm and I'm doing everything walking around eating bouncing on my ball and I'm progressing so slow it was so aggravating, plus my water was still coming down my leg every time I stood up so I'd leak everywhere ! I find out my girl is sunny side up so I had to find a way to get her to turn her little butt around when it's time. So YES BACK LABOR WAS TERRIBLE. I'm not gonna lie and say it was fine no it wasn't for me. I actually shed a small tear and my pain tolerance it very high so it was definitely something I couldn't handle. With my husband there helping he gave me strength to keep going. Him rubbing my back and pressing on my tailbone worked so well for me. By 7pm I was 6cm and that's when I got the epidural, I just couldn't take contraction after contraction I was not getting a break at all so that pitocin definitely got to me. Epidural wasn't all that bad to me, it hurt for a few seconds and I was handling the contractions well without moving!. So now I'm bed bound! Epidural would only work on one side if I was laying on my side which sucked, so they gave me something stronger and I was out by that time, finally able to sleep. By 12pm 10cm !! Couldn't believe it I was so excited and nervous. Never in my life have I pushed a baby out of my Cooch and damn sure didn't know how to! When it was time to push I started at 1:15am and 1:35 my baby girl was here. Came into the world quiet as ever. 7lb 4oz 19 inches with no complications, did skin to skin right when she came out. I swear giving birth has been the best thing I have ever experienced in my life I'd go through all the pain and do it over again if I had to. The most beautiful thing in the world! Thanks for reading

This is her now 💜💜💜