3rd round of Clomid 😵🔫


So I am suppose to be starting my third road of Clomid (150mg) this in a few days. The Dr. has me on metformin as well that I am taking twice a day. She also prescribed me provera for when I finish my 3rd round of Clomid, assuming I'm not pregnant.

So here's my question ---

I was thinking about skipping round 3 for a month ( Dr already said it was fine).

I was thinking about taking my provera for the month of September (30 days) to induce my period for Oct. then continue my last round of Clomid.

I kinda feel like I need an emotional break from all the pregnancy and ovulation test and the constant disappointment.

What do y'all think?

-- Update--

So I went ahead and decided that I was going to take a break this month from actually trying. I'm still going to do my provera and metformin, but that's just so I can keep my period on track. That being said it has apparently done something to my husband, maybe it's the fact the pressure is off him for the month, but the We've had sex almost every day this week lol.