
You are the love of my life but since we lost our angel nothing seems the same. I feel like I'm constantly breaking into a million pieces. I feel you put your spoiled child ahead of me, all the time. I don't ask for much yet I'm constantly denied what I do ask for. He wants a broken $3 toy and he gets it, even though he already had a literal room full of toys, right after you told me we can't afford the $1.50 food item I really wanted. You are constantly giving me an attitude when I haven't done anything to you. I feel like were coming apart at the seams and I am broken. Shattered into more pieces than you will ever know because as much as you SAY you listen you don't. I want this to last I really do, but right now it doesn't seem like it will. Yes we had money issues before my body betrayed me, but now they're worse, the child gets everything he asks for all I want is something sweet. We can't have that in the house because after all he's pre diabetic, then why am I the one that has to remind him do what the Dr said? You are rarely the one to do it because you don't want to upset him. In fact you avoid telling him no at almost all cost, but have no problem telling me no. I understand he was in your life before me, but this child is beyond spoiled. I'll be at the point soon when I'll just leave. I understand I'm an adult but damn I'm getting fed up. It seems to me that I have no place in your life other than someone to fuck and watch your son. I'm tired of it, I really am. I am worth far more than what your making me feel I am.