I was 37w6d pregnant and my contractions were extremely mild, it felt like light period cramps, on a...

Elizabeth • A young momma to a beautiful baby girl 💖

I was 37w6d pregnant and my contractions were extremely mild, it felt like light period cramps, on and off lasting a minute each. 

I called my doctor and they said to come in. (12:30pm)

They checked my cervix and I was a tight 3cm dilated. 

Said to wait an hour and if I wasn't dilated anymore then I'd be sent home, but sure enough I was a lose 3cm dilated by the time they came and checked me again. 

They again checked me and I was at 4cm with a lot of bloody show but my water hadn't broke yet. At this point they told me they'd break it for me, and they did. 

After breaking my water, I rested and watched tv and talked to my parents and child's father (we weren't together at the time) , after 2 hours the contractions got more intense and I got the epidural. 

They flipped me on my right side first, for like 20 min , then my left, to make sure the epidural was making its way down my legs. 

I jumped from a 4 to a 8 within 3 hours, and by the time the doctor came back in it was 6am (exactly 38w pregnant) and it was time to push. 

30 minutes of pushing, eating ice chips in between pushes because my acid reflux was horrid , my 7 pound 8.1 ounce, 20 inch long, head full of hair, butt chin like daddy, came out, more beautiful than I ever imagined, pooping all over me and already loved cuddling (by daddy) and hated being swaddled, little girl who we named Chloe Michelle 💖