Is it bad that I'm happy about this?

Jordan 💖

So I've been a single mom to my 3 year old for about a year and a half now, no contact at all from his father. I got into a relationship and very stupidly and careless got pregnant because I didn't take precautions. They relationship went down hill so fast, I've felt smothered for so long. He got mad over the stupidest thing regarding my parenting like, letting my son on my bed with me or letting him snack on apples or something throughout the day instead of only allowing him 3 meals a day. I mean the STUPIDEST things! Well I'm not 34 weeks pregnant and he kicked me and my son out and basically implied that he's not helping with our daughter. And I have to say that I feel so free and happy now that I won't have to worry about his opinions on anything. I'm looking so forward to being at the hospital alone after I have her and I finally feel at peace with everything again.