Our beautiful baby boy came on a historic day, the Solar Eclipse day 8/21/17

Gillian & Sharetta
Our beautiful baby boy came on a historic day, the Solar Eclipse day 8/21/17. Nothing was plan for him to come that week, until after we were experiencing some bleeding early 8/20 Sunday morning and rushed to the hospital. After an ultra sound, Lil baby Morgan didn't have any more fluid left in the sac. My fiancé was induced that day andbin labor for 8 hours... she never dialated at all. Doctors decided to let her rest and eat that night and hopefully she would have dialated by morning. The next morning, After the doctor examined her... unfortunately she still hadn't dialated at all. To not risk any infections due to chcecking her on the hour every hour, they decided that a C section was best. Morgan was born 8/21/2017 at 0849... 7lbs 14oz... we love him dearly!!!