Nurse or doctor question ?

Ok so since I don't have insurance and I moved I am now seeing a new clinic well at that clinic they have doctors and FNP which are family nurse practitioners well I've been assigned a FNP I'm wondering if anyone knows if fnps know as much as a doctor or not idk it kind of makes me uncomfortable to not be seen by an actual doctor

When I requested an appointment with the doctor they didn't even give me an appointment with her they instead still gave me an appointment with the FNP still afterwards I received a message asking why I want to see the DR instead

I am hypochondriac and due to symptoms I've been having they did a blood test yesterday and I'm just having anxiety that it will be reviewed by a nurse and not a dr. Also I've expressed to her my concerns about colon cancer due to symptoms I've been having for a few years now at first she said it was just ibs right away because I'm young etc. I am 23 but I've read about quite a few people that are young with colon cancer as well as on my local news advising people to get checked out even if your young I just don't like that she doesn't take my concerns seriously all she has to do is refer me to a gastroenterologist which finally after asking so much she said she would do so I hope she does

**please no mean comments like I said I'm a hypochondriac and most hypochondriacs need even second opinions on health concerns I'm not talking bad about nurses I just want to know if they both know the same. So I can try to calm down