I'm so tired of sounding like a bitch!

Tay • 25yrs old 💃🏽💏👫 expecting my 1st child July 23, 2017 😬 Praying God gives me a healthy baby 🙌🏽

My baby jus turned 5wks old. Since the day she was born I've made my expectations clear. Ppl have to wash their hands before they touch her. Ppl have to lay her blanket on their clothes if they want to hold her. She is not going to be around ppl while they're smoking or right after they have smoked. I feel like nobody is taking me serious! I'm constantly having to repeat myself to the point I'm sounding like an evil bitch. I'm just ready to not allow ppl to be around my child!😤 I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading