My baby has arrived


So I was due my baby girl on the 8 September but she arrived on 20th august by induction as she stopped moving and stopped growing so for a horrible 2 days I was in hospital and monitored but with no change it was time so on the 18th I was induced but on the 19th nothing had happened so I was taken to the labour suite and had to have my water broken which wasn't the nicest of experience as I had 2 doctors pressing on my stomach and one trying to break through to get to my water after 20 minutes they finally managed to break them and then it was time for the drip after 1 hours my contractions were coming thick and fast although I wasn't feeling them in my stomach it was all in my right hip so when I was 4 cm I had diamorphe which helped lots then with 2 hours and 23 mins I was fully dilated and it was time to push and with two pushes I met the most amazing little girl it took 7 mins for baby an pacenta I had the most awful pregnancy most of it spend in hospital but my labour wasn't to bad and ladies let me tell you it more than worth it so I would like to introduce our beautiful little princess Eliza-Grace violet ann born on the 20/08/17 at 04.29 weighing 6 pound and 6 and half oz born at 37 weeks and 2 days the day my life began