Having a bad day

Christl • Mommy of 2 boys, a girl and an angel 💕❤️

Lost our baby on 5/4/17. I have been having a ruff week or so. Very emotional. Having a very hard time sleeping. When I do sleep I wake up having anxiety attack. I keep have flash back of the day we found out our baby had trisomy 18. Waking up I have flash backs of when I was waking up after the D&c.; When I woke up from that they had a hard time waking me and when I finally came to I just started crying. Saying how it's not fair. The nurse asked what she could do for me and I just kept saying I want my baby. I had a huge melt down today. Just started crying and couldn't stop. Started hyperventilating from crying so much. My boyfriend said that we got delt the short straw. That we didn't do anything wrong. He said it's not to late for me to try again. I agree with him on this but it doesn't change how I feel. The pain in my heart. He also says it's not to late but I also know he doesn't want anymore kids. He says if it happens it happens but he doesn't wanna try. He is a great dad. It's not fair at all. She was our baby girl. I wanted/want her so much. I want this pain and hurt to end