I cant believe its my turn to tell my story  and oh man was it a roller coaster

I cant believe its my turn to tell my story  and oh man was it a roller coaster.
Let me start from the beggining thursday afternoon had my regular weekly appointment i was ready 40 + 3 told my doctor the baby has not been moving like she usually does so he said go home get tour bags and i will meet you at the hospital at 8pm this was around 5pm. Went to eat with husband and my older daughter dropped off my duaghter over at grandmas house can back home showered got things ready and off to the hospital. 
As soon as i got there got registered and they set me up in a room in labor and delivery the doctor came in at around 9 started me on a medication called cirvidil was a new method they they have been trying out at the hospial which you have to drink a little shot of it every 2 hours and they would increase dosage as time went on this went on from 9:30 thursday to today around 5pm started getting like contractions but nothing to bad i had started off at 2 cm dialated and at this point i was 3 cm after so many hours. Once you get 3 cm on this med they start you on pitocin and thAts exactly what happened i got started on pitocin for about an hour doctor came in checked me once again now i was 4 cm he broke my water this was about 6PM
After this SHIT got real OMGGG i have never felt pain like this in my life  i cried my heart out for about an hour i wanted an natural delivery no EPI as with my first i didnt have it but she was not an induction like this one. By  like 6:15 i was begging for the epi i wanted to kill everyone i told my husband to go grab the man to come an give me that damm epidural. At around 7:45 or so he comes starts to get ready and im like please give one second for this contraction to pass all he said was well hurry indont have all day i have other patients to attend. I was in so much pain i didnt even care about what he said as i was waiting to pass that contraction i felt like i had to poop i was like oh shit i have to push then again another urge to pull . She looked at me like i waa crazy because my doctor had checked me 5 minutes i was at 5 cm To make sure i was good for the epi. She just looked at me and said are you sure ill call the doctor the doctor that was there checked sure enough in a matter of 9 minutes i went from 5cm to fully dialeted the doctor ran and a bunch of other people they even had to run after my husband because the idea that wa going to give me the epi told him to come back in 15minutes. Everybody was in a rush getting ready meanwhile here i am on the bed pushing by myself. Two pushes she was out no one could believe even my husband was in shook.
Si here she is my precious Kamila 
Born: 9-1-2017
Due date was :  8-28-17
Weight: 6lbs 15 oz
Length: 18 inches
And here i was expecting a 8 pound baby