

I need help!!!! My 1 year old son is NOT sleeping through the night. He is a formula fed baby and I have been putting cereal in his bottle at bed time. I have always rocked him and given him his last bottle at night. I work 40 plus hours a week and drive 10 hours, so I hold him to spend some time with him. The last 3 weeks he will fall right alseep I put him in his crib in his own room, then within 2 hours he is up crying out for momma. I pick him up and he falls right back asleep but if I put him down he jumps right up crying. He does this every 2-3 hours all night long. my husband even has gotten up to help out. So every other night I have been putting him in bed with my husband and I just to get a few hours of sleep. I am exhausted and not willing to do cry it out. Can anyone help?????