We had planned on Luna being our last baby from the start but after my csection it was definitely se...

We had planned on Luna being our last baby from the start but after my csection it was definitely set in stone. My csection with Avalon was a little rough because of scarring and My current OB had a plan in place just in case of anything. I thank God she did! My uterus and placenta were paper thin and when they started cutting to get to Luna the pressure caused a rupture. I started hemorrhaging and everyone kinda started running. My OB began calling for the other dr she had on call to come help and for blood to be brought in. The other dr came in and they had to hurry up and get Luna out so they could fix me. I ended up needing 3 bags of blood and they were able to repair everything. It was all a furious blur but when I stop and think each moment is so clear. I did get my tubes cut and tied because I can never be pregnant again and live through it. My OB came in the next day and said that if we'd waited one more day Luna and I probably would've died. My placenta had become unattached and the contractions I was having would've caused the rupture to be even worse. Without them already being inside when it ruptured it wouldn't have been good. I feel so thankful and blessed to be home and alive with my babies. I gave my OB the biggest hug and will the next time I see her too lol. My family is everything to me and I am so happy to be here with them.