
I started having sex a while ago, I'm 15, we had unprotected sex, and I took it 9 hrs after unprotected sex, the first week after I took the pill I felt sad, the second week I started bleeding for like a week, it was really brown, the 3 week I was really scared that I might be pregnant, because I started feeling bloating, and wasn't hungry, really depressed, my period came, I was relieved. I decided to not have sex, unless he is using a condom. Later on we were really horny, that he put it in just once, he didn't come or anything, it was less than 10 seconds, I was on my ovulation days, so I took it Plan B and it worked, but this time, I didn't had non of the symptoms, so I was really scared that it might not worked, but it did. Now we're using condoms because we 15 and we don't want to fuck up, we started thinking about birth control, but I just haven't had the time to go to my doctor and ask for them, and i dont even know how to ask for them