Negative attachment?


Please excuse me if this is the wrong place to post, but I'm not sure where else to post and I need some advice from others. This is a bit of a long post.

I've had an unusually crappy year.

So far I have dislocated two toes in two separate incidents (one so badly it had to be straightened under general anaesthetic and left me in crutches for two weeks and unable to drive for over a month). I injured my other foot somehow as well and it was completely bruised the top (unable to wear closed shoes for a bit) about two months after the first dislocation.

I lost two pets less than a week apart about a month and a bit back.

I had severe car issues for a month that left me stranded at home/ work about three times a week.

My one dog was very sick with a sudden stomach infection which required an emergency trip to the vet.

I have had phone problems that has left my brand new phone in for a month's worth of repairs twice already.

I was attacked by a dog while trying to help it's friend back in the house (basically the lady opened the gate to let the dog in and their other dog rushed out and latched onto my thigh).

I lost a friend who went completely psycho on me when I told her I have to withdraw from her charity organisation due to lack of time on my side. She went nuts, sent my husband and my sisters messages about how it's obviously because of the money and I'm badmouthing her to my family and what the he'll is my problem and my attitude stinks, etc. She Facebook stalked me and started fights with me based on things I shared or posted. She called me a variety of names and then when I took her to task about it, she told me I'm oversenstivie and she doesn't have time for my attitude. I just finally got rid of her (hopefully for good).

I have felt extremely short tempered and irritable for the last couple of months, most of my irritation aimed at my dogs (fosters which I never wanted to keep but my husband did- they are such a handful and I'm at home with them, not my husband and it's just too much for me). So I shout at them a LOT because they are naughty and bark a LOT and scare the cats with their behaviour (they run through the house barking like maniacs if you do so much as sneeze).

I found out Ankylosing Spondilitis runs in my family and that accounts for my constant and slowly worsening hip pain.

Not to mention the money problems we are having this year.

Lately I've noticed my one cat wants absolutely nothing to do with me. She doesn't want to be in the house. She jumped through the bathroom window this evening and pretty much jumped right back out. She was a feral that I caught as a 6 week old kitten and always felt more comfortable INSIDE but now she seems scared to come in and that worries me. But also, we have three other cats who aren't concerned. But then again, I don't think my shouting at the dogs so much helps.

I just don't know what do to.. At this stage I almost feel like someone has cursed me somehow. I do believe there is a presence in my house (something slid my phone, charger and all, across the floor of my lounge, something banged on the bathroom door the one day and I felt something squeeze my side while I was brushing my hair in the bathroom).

Do you think it's a negative attachment in the house that's causing havoc in my life?

Thank you for your opinions.