What is happening to me?!?!

Shayla • Wishing for rainbows🌧🌧🌧🌧🌈

So...I'm nearing the end of my fertile week. I've been pregnant before but unfortunately lost the baby durring thr first trimester. I really didnt know I was pregnant the first month of pregnancy because I had spotting like a period, I miscarried before they could determine exactly how far along I was. What I do remember was migraines that would include vomiting, constipation/diarrhea (yes both, at the same time) and exhaustion. I had ovulation symptoms the week before the predicted fertile days including some hardcore cramping. Since I've gotten little twinges here and there. Ive had two migraines, one vomiting and the other not, and last night I came out of a store smelled Chinese food and my SO had to James Bond drive our car to the back of the building so I could vomit (The parking lot was crowded). I had vomited a few other times too but I thought it might be because I was getting sick, Ive had the sniffles the past week or so but it hasn't gotten any worse and I don't have a fever. Now I'm curled up in bed because I'm EXHAUSTED, I fell asleep while in a store when my SO was looking at lawn furniture, I was so emberassed. So now I'm confused. I know that some of these are symptoms of pregnancy. But isnt this way too soon? I'm pretty sensitive to begin with and I have hypothyroidism but I am balanced. Could these be ovulation symptoms? Any kind of input would be awesome. I'm honestly too exhausted to think about this anymore. Has anyone experienced this?