girl advice

so I been talking to this guy about a month ago, many txt messages later, we finally meet. it goes well, we make plans to see each other that Thursday, mind you we txt every day, my mom's in the hospital, and he works Friday through Wednesday. we are both busy I get it. so flash forward, he forgets about our date, I message him about it ,he says he's sorry, he got stuck in his head, I tell him I'm in my head also, but I don't forget about him. he tells me he not a fun person to be around when he's like that. I ask him did I get my signals crossed, because I want to see him again,. he's like no I definitely want to see you again. but never sets or says an exact date. I tell him I get it, then I tell him if he's confused that all right, I'm going to take some space because I can't get closer to any one who doesn't know what they want. did I go over board? or did I do the right thing? I really was falling for him hard, but I dont want to end up going no where with him. ladies what are your thoughts?