
My fiancée went to work in the early morning and before I went to work I went out bought all new bedding and paper and cute out a ton of hearts, did this so that when I came home he would be happy and he would smile. I got a text saying that he loved me so much, but where did I get the bedding from?🙄 I got home and he was like "it's nice but the hearts need to come down" reminds me of my moms room and it's weird to me" I said okay and then he kept going on found the molds of the paper I cut out in the trash and said "you know you cut this the wrong way you could have saved yourself so much time" and I was like really ? And he continues to say I just was suggesting you could have done it easier. I'm just really upset becuase I would have loved to come home to this but him not so much. He also added that he appreciates it but he doesn't feel the need to show appreciation becuase I should know. He added that he loved me. I'm not sure how to feel. We have been together since 2014. All advice is helpful thank you ladys ❤️