To do or not to do..

Okay, I need some advice y'all. My fiancé is in the Army and will be graduating basic training in December. He'll have about 3-9 months before he gets deployed (because he's infantry) and we were going to wait to get married but if we wait I will have to spend my time stuck in our hometown while he's away at his duty station, which could be anywhere at this point. I want to get married as soon as we can because I don't want to be away from him during what little time he'll be in the states before he gets deployed. What I need help with is this: should I go ahead and start planning the wedding for when he comes home, or should I wait? I'm really leaning towards the first one, again because I already miss him so much and I don't want to be apart longer than we have to. His side of the family is all for us doing whatever we need to do, I just know my side will probably freak out..