So at 39 weeks I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy weighing 6lb 6oz 20 inches long

So at 39 weeks I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy weighing 6lb 6oz 20 inches due date was originally September 8th but yesterday at my doctors appointment they told me I was only 1 cm dilated with soft me being the impatient person that I am I decided to get a yoga ball and caster oil I bounced on the ball for about an hour then after dinner I took 2 tablespoons of caster around 2:00am I took the best poop of my life but shortly after started having sharp pains in my stomach at about 2:45 am I finally woke my mother up and we were timing the contractions they were 3-4 mins apart so we called my doctor and they admitted me into triage I was handling my contractions pretty well until about 1:00pm and because my sons heart rate was not coinciding with the contractions and I had  been stuck at 4 cm for the longest I had to get a c section well when they finally got him out my sons cord had been wrapped around his legs and it prevented him from moving down further overall I had some challenges but thank God he's healthy