I broke his thing


Oh my god I am so fucking annoyed because I wrote this post half way and the app glitched out

This is going to be shorter than the original version because fml

We're both gaming nerds. We have a house and both have rooms dedicated to our favorite games. Figurines, merch. All of it.

He got a new figurine collectible thing today.

I go in his game room to check it out while hes cooking dinner.

I pick it up and touch the head because it looked spiky and the head fell off. It broke

Im standing there, my face gets hot. I just broke his thing oh my god im the devil.

You know that scene in princess diaries where she broke the finger off the statue and just stuck the finger in its mouth like "shit" and walked off?

That's me in this moment

I tried putting the head back on in a frantic way and FUCKING DROPPED IT.

I pick it up, sat it on the shelf and hoped I could just put it there and sit the head on it and act like I didn't know what happened.

Finally I get the head to just chill on the body and he walks in and I turn around like

And he has a smile on his face and I'm thinking "he doesn't know hes looking at a traitor"

I walk out.

You ever lied to your mom about something small but it ate you up like? Eventually it ate me up like 45 minutes later because I'm a weak pussy bitch and I went and got the thing, took the head off and admitted my wrong doing by showing it to him with a sad face. He smiled and said "I know" and clearly I'm confused and he said "I watched you freak out over it behind the door. You're really cute. It's not broken, it came in pieces and I had to put it together and the head was pretty difficult so i gave up. "

This is me after this conversation, he just kept laughing.

Yes we are adults who are total and complete nerds and no we don't care