

So about 4 weeks ago, I found a text message on my boyfriends phone (also the father of my daughter who is 9 months). He was talking to a woman about paying her to give him head. I confronted him about it and he deleted it in the other room and then tried to lie to me about it. Once he finally admitted to it, he said that he had no intentions on going through with it, this was just to help him jack off, which I don't believe at all. Since then, I've moved out, have been staying with my family, and we both see our daughter equal amounts of time. He told me the other day that I'm "fucked up" for no longer having trust for him since he was pretty loyal and good to me our entire relationship. I feel so sad and don't know what to do. I want to try to work on this and attempt to forgive him, but I can't let go of all of these "cheater" thoughts. What do you guys think? Have you ever forgiven a cheater?