Sister in law rant

Caitlin • Wife and a mommy to 2 sons and baby #3 on the way!

I just need to vent since I can't address it to my family...

I have 2 older brothers, I've never been close to them but have always longed to have a relationship with them.... they just really don't care to. Well my sister in laws hang out and let their kids (my sons cousins) play all the time but never invite me and my son... one of my sister in laws had a miscarriage and shortly after I found out I was pregnant so she's treated me different ever since. She will send me snapchats of the kids playing together.. needless to say this breaks my heart.. I have never done anything to her and she's just hateful to me.. my son deserves to spend time with his cousins too. Why punish him because you don't like me for whatever reason. I found myself just crying over it this morning(hormones probably helped) I just long for a relationship with my brothers and will never understand why they never include us in anything... sorry for the rant I just needed to get it off my chest. 😔