Opting for C-section after losses.



I would like some real world advice for opting for a c-section after losses. I have had one beautifully successful natural birth with my four year old girl. Perfect birth, perfect recovery, breastfed happily for 15 months, but Ive been told recovery and nursing can be difficult when receiving epidurals or c-sections. We had two miscarriages when we started trying to conceive again. When we were blessed with a third baby, we were so happy to make it past every milestone. When I reached 40weeks, we were waiting for the signs of delivery, when I noticed my over active big boy had stopped moving. Three days before my due date, we stopped hearing his heart beat!! My midwives kept joking about how he was going to be a big boy, but didn't seem concerned! I had a rough delivery of my 10#9oz perfect baby with the addition of shoulder dystocia. I know my grief makes me play that week over and over in my head. What if... what if we would have just induced or opted for a c-section? Would I still have him? I stressed through the entire pregnancy about wanting to have a natural birth like my daughter, that would I even have listened to them if they suggested that?? What if... Yesterday, I watched a pregnancy test turn positive! I'm battling my fears already, but one thing I'm curious about is what if I decide to have a c-section at 39weeks? Does anyone have any pro or con advice for me? I know every pregnancy is different and I will struggle to get through every milestone, but I'm terrified of that last week! Your advice is much appreciated!