Teen moms exist !

Nokyaedwards • 18 🌸with princess skylar, January baby 😛

We teen moms are always looked down on, thrown in the dirt , kicked all over ! And never get credit when it's due! There's always a negative judgement and nothing to say "you can do it and your life doesn't stop you have to push forward for you and your princess or prince" 🤞🏾 a message to teen moms even if it's not planned have all the positivity around you to keep you happy and this is a reason to keep living a full healthy life for you and your own🌸👑. Life doesn't end and it's not the end of the world so if there are any tears wipe them away and be strong for your baby and finish high school for a better living for you!😍🙌🏾. You got this mama and you got the brains to do

So. Your not dumb , stupid, foolish or even thinking like a child if you get your shit done ! It's life there's no rule book to this shit! You have another persons life in your hands take it and make it better !