What should I do?

So my boyfriend and I got in a really bad fight about two nights ago. The problem is we were both really drunk and I was more drunk than him. I remember some things I said but not all. The next day he told me to leave him alone and enjoy my weekend with my friends. We have been dating for two years. I feel like it's super childish of him to just drop me for a couple of days and not talk. Also he knows how anxious I get and I have been having the worst anxiety about this all the last two days since I don't know what's going on. My question is when he does finally text me or call me again should I just say we are done and forget about him or should I talk things out with him and keep trying. Basically I just don't know what to do right now. Any advice on what I should do or how I should deal with my anxiety would be helpful.

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