Slow physical development

I'm 14 (15 in a month). I just got my period a year ago (way later than my friends) and I've been waiting for what seems like forever to develop some curves. Meaning to finally grow some boobs and a butt cuz I'm flat af.

Here's some things about me to keep in mind for what I'll write next:

-My periods are long (5-10 days), heavy and painful, I usually throw up when I'm on my period and generally feel horrible.

-I'm really thin and can't gain any weight whatsoever (I'm eating well, even more than a normal person, I've tried going to the gym to build some muscle but still can't get over 43 kg for my 163 cm height)

-Compared to anyone my age, I look a lot younger. I don't get pimples and it just seems like I haven't even hit puberty yet (besides getting my period and growing hair in places)

-I have some PCOS symptoms but I haven't been diagnosed. Actually no doctor asked me anything regarding hair growth and didn't do any kind of research regarding this subject so I MIGHT actually have it.

My doctor noticed that I'm thin and not really developed and mentioned the possibility of having some issues with my thyroid. After some further research I fo guyund out that a malfunctioning of the gland might cause some of the symptoms I'm experiencing (late puberty, heavy menstruations) so this is probably the main cause to what's going on.

I also haven't gone to the gyno yet (I've talked to mom about this and she suggested going when i turn 16 to also start birth control) but considering my painful and heavy periods, we might go earlier. I've heard a lot of girls getting on the pill to regulate their periods and also help with the hormone imbalance that might cause my "lack of boobs" and hair growth mania.

So what should I do? Do some research regarding my thyroid and if there's sth wrong, going on medication, or going to the gyno first and maybe go on the pill if recommended.