Difficulty telling family about miscarriage


I miscarried this time last year at two months along. My husband and I decided not to tell his family right away because it was only a week before his older brother's wedding and we didn't want to upset everyone at such a happy time. But, now we still haven't told his family what happened. I'm scared to tell them about the miscarriage because it wasn't a planned pregnancy (we were still ecstatic!) and they think we should be making 6 figures before we should have children. I'm worried they will try to tell us the miscarriage was a good thing.

We are now sharing a house with the brother and his wife just as a short term money saving opportunity for both of us. They are going to start trying for a baby now and I don't know how I'm going to deal with it emotionally.

If we tell them what happened and they tell us that it was irresponsible and it's a good thing I miscarried I don't know how I would continue to live with them. But I also don't know how I'm going to live in a house with people getting ready for a baby when it's still hard to walk past people pushing strollers on the street without seeing what was taken from us.

Any advice? Has anyone experienced difficulty telling their family/friends about their miscarriage?