Happiest Iv ever been ❤️❤️


(Pardon language) I'm not quite sure where to put this but I'm so god damn happy. In December it will be 2 years since I started ttc, well I finally got sick and tired of my body after not getting a period after 4 months. I put myself on a bunch of different vitamins and now my cm, ovulation, etc is like almost text book! I also just got word that my grandfather is having the papers drawn up for my fiancée and I to buy the house/property we live in/on!! Everything has been shit for months but now it all seems to be coming together. More hours at work, finally having money left in the bank, my body ovulating, and buying our first house!! Finally the push I needed to realize life isn't always bad! My fiancée and I are 20(me)&23(him). Hopefully not stressing about everything helps us conceive! Baby dust to y'all! 😘😘❤️🤗🎉