feeling helpless

casey • ♡Casey+Chad=baby gabe♡

we are feeling so helpless. it's currently 9:08pm our baby boy is 2 weeks and 3 days old. he has only slept a total of probably 3 hours today since 12pm. everytime he goes to sleep he's up within minutes to 30 min crying. we've tried mylicon, tylenol, and gripe water. it all seems to have not done much at all. he's eating and peeing and had a bowel movement. after he pooped he quit crying for about 30 min but didnt go to sleep. we feel so bad for him. we took his temp and it was 97. something so we don't think he has a fever. he's passed a lot of gas and burped fine when he eats. don't know if we should take him to the hospital or not or just wait it out.