Boyfriend slapped me

Hey, I'm just here looking for some advice. My boyfriend of two years did something to me he's never done before. He slapped public. He's had a group project with three other people (we are in college together) and he's been interacting with this one girl. Let's call her Amanda. Anyways, Amanda and him get along really well and they're always talking and laughing and having a great time. They only hang out when they're with the group though. Recently my bf had been with Amanda a lot and doesn't really have time for me. He's dipped on one of our dates promising that he'll make up for it later. He still calls me every night even if we don't see each other that day to talk and tell me he loves me. Anyways what happened was we were at a party and I got super drunk because I saw him with his group and more importantly... Amanda. He didn't even seem to miss me or notice me. By the end of the night I got even more drunk and angry and I don't know what came over me. I walked over to Amanda and said all these harsh things. I really regret what I said. "You whore get away from my boyfriend. You're trying to take him away from me. What, are you two fucking now? Is she a good fuck?" My bf kept warning me to stop and that there was nothing going on and then I shoved her so he backhanded me. Hard. I fell. In front of everyone. I was humiliated. My roommate rushed me out of there and my bf tried to follow and kept saying he was sorry but I ignored. I know it's my fault I'm the one who didn't trust him and egged him on. I'm just insecure because my last bf cheated on me with my old best friend. He keeps calling and texting and trying to stop me on my way to class and I told him I needed space and I didn't want to see him anymore. He started crying and saying he didn't mean it and that I was ofc more important than Amanda. He even begged on his knees. What should I do guys?

Edit: I have plenty of guy friends and one of my best friends is a guy, and my bf doesn't really have a problem with it. He trusts me. I feel bad for not trusting him knowing that he didn't have any intentions with Amanda. He's honestly the most loyal and sweet guy. But he hurt me and broke my heart I don't know if I can forgive him. Or am I overreacting?

Edit: Okay so, I did end up agreeing to see him. I told him what he did to me was unforgivable and really hurt my feelings. Then I apologized for how I behaved that night but said that I couldn't forget the pain I felt when he supported her over me. I told him I would always care about him and love him but we couldn't be together anymore. He was crying the whole time and begging me for forgiveness but I just could not. Breaking up with someone you love is always hard but I guess it just had to be done. I wish things had gone differently between us. Anyways girls thanks for your kind advice! I'm just going to steer away from men for now and focus on school. I need time to recover from such a bad breakup.

There's a whole sea of fish out there for later.