Should I stay or should I go?

I'm not sure what to do. My husband and I just celebrated our 1st anniversary, and we are expecting our first child in Feb. To say our first year has been rough is an understatement. We have been in counseling separately and now together, but nothing has changed. I have done lots of reading and after much counseling have come to the conclusion that I am in an emotionally abusive relationship. He never treated me the way he does now before we were married. We didn't live together before getting married.

He constantly criticizes me for everything... the music I like, the way I eat, which road I turn on while driving home. It never ends. I have been yelled at for putting a hair dryer away after using it, and most recently for only having one sugar container in the kitchen. He wanted a separate one just for coffee even though he almost never drinks coffee at home. He hasn't spoken to me for over 24 hours because of the sugar incident.

If I disagree with him on anything, I am berated and called names. If he doesn't get his way on the smallest thing, he yells at me and then won't speak to me for days. I have been very sick during the pregnancy and if I ask for help feeding the dogs or anything, he acts like it is a huge inconvenience and gets mad again. Most of the time he doesn't ask how I am feeling or if I need anything, even if he has heard me in the bathroom throwing up. If I don't feel like having sex (and why would I after throwing up and constant headaches and being treated so badly?), he gets mad at me and ignores me for days.

I could go on and on about the horrible things he has said to me (like how he was angry about something during my first pregnancy and said he hoped I had a miscarriage, which I did). I have tried to stay true to my vows and see us through the bad times. I have gotten us into therapy (which he hates and doesn't want to go to). I have tried to always remain calm and rational during disagreements no matter how cruel he is being.

The problem now is that I am pregnant. I don't have just myself to think about. I am going to have a daughter to protect. I don't want her learning this type of behavior, nor do I want her growing up thinking this is how men treat women. How husbands treat wives. How people who love you treat you. I don't want this type of home life for her.

Do I continue with marriage counseling or do i call it now so I can reduce the stress during my pregnancy and actually try enjoy it? I'm not scared to raise a child alone. I have a great, close family, and I'm financially stable. To be honest, I pay for most everything we do now.

What do you think? Am I being too hasty? Have I done all I could? I am so torn because I really did love him and want a family with him, but since the rings went on, he is a completely different person. I don't know who this person is.