Sleep .😴


So ... my daughter was on a really good sleeping routine & slept by herself but, my bf has gotten her used to falling in someone's arms & he also got her used to our bed which now is a big issue for the past week now she wakes up for usual 3 am feeding & she refuses to go back to bed unless she's being carried & once i try putting her in her crib she gets really fussy & @ times she'll cry so loud that I give in & put her in the bed with me. I don't know what to do @ this point.

I have a 6 year old & our biggest mistaken was we co-slept with him & until this day he still sleeps in our bed even though he has his own. He doesn't like sleeping alone unless I'm there or his dad.

It was a lesson learned with my first & I didn't want my daughter to be the same way but, my bf ruined my whole routine with her & got her used to sleeping with us now.

Do any of you mommas have any tips or advice ?

Please & thank you . :]