The same baby name DRAMA!!

Kim • From UK 🇬🇧 relationship since 2010 🎉🔑🌹👫 want a big family currently 👧👦🏼👶🤰👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Hi guys and gals, I'm super struggling for my second baby girl name and I've got 7 weeks to do so! 😣 my first LG is called Clara Anne, I read it in a book when I was younger. So we were looking at maybe Heidi as that's also in the same book. 🤰 Then my husband has had an on and off relationship with his brother for years, and just started speaking to him again. His girlfriend is pregnant and due 1 month before me and her baby is going to have the middle name of Heidi. would it be wrong of me to keep the name Heidi..? I feel like i should want to change it but we really struggled to pick this name and I really like it. I'm just not sure of the protocol about this sort of stuff... 😣